What The Hey.....

A shameless attempt to jump on the Blog bandwagon.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

As for the Sox.......

All I know is that I promised myself that I would no longer play the "sky is falling" scenario since they won in '04. Is it over. Probably. But I'll still watch and maybe something cool will happen.

I was one of the many that said that I just wanted to live to see them win and I did. I can now root for them but not live or die with each win or loss like I used to before '04. I can be a Baseball fan again, not just a Red Sox fan.

Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, the Yankees beat the Sox fairly on the field and the front office. End of story.

Now if you excuse me, I need to find my Patriots jackets out of the closet.........


  • At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Geesh, I stop checking your blog for a little while and you go wild!! I'm all caught up now, phew!


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