I'm Back.......did cha miss me?
Well after 7 months I decided to get back into this blog thing (and Kudos to Blogspot for not canceling my account). I'll try to recap what I've been up to best I can although I'm sure I'll skip over things, intentionally or not. Basically the two big things going on now are....
- I'm working now at (name withheld) doing technical support. Quite simply, I hate it. But it pays the bills until I find something else (or it finds me......). I never took that part time position at the company in RI as they couldn't promise me it would lead to anything full time and the hours simply were not great for my homelife. At the very least the job gives me a semi-decent wage and allows me some flexibility (like taking time off to look for another job). More rants and grumblings about this White Collar Gulag in posts to come.
- Last February I started a diet called Optifast, which is basically a liquid diet of mostly shakes (powder and ready-made). So far I have lost 82 pounds in 12 weeks, but I still have a bit of a way to go. I have to admit that I have not totally stuck with this diet, but mostly it has taught me to simply count calories and be aware of what I'm eating, things I was not doing before. I am also exercising about 3-4 times a week and rediscovered my passion for bowling. I did look into surgery, but between my sister's bad life-threatening reaction to it (she's mostly ok now) as well as recent deaths from the surgery (including one from the doctor I was consulting with), it made me really jittery about going that route. This diet is gonna take me a little while longer than the surgery would have taken, but I feel that it's given me more of an education of how to take care of myself. Physically I feel MUCH better and, more importantly, I can fit a little more comfortably in the Grandstand seats at Fenway.
The Wife and Girls are doing fine. They have been extremely supportive during my work and diet situations. I try to do things with the girls on the weekend as I do not get home until 8-9pm every night during the week depending on my workout schedule. Getting a night out with the Mrs. is another story. We haven't gone out alone in months. We did have a night alone when we went to see Simon and Garfunkel last December. The best I'm hoping for is to arrange an night out for our anniversary next month. Sometimes it's just too hard to arrange babysitting given the circumstances, but at least it's kept me out of restaurants.
Well, I guess that's enough for now. I'll try not to make it another 7 months for the next post and I'll try not to talk about our 2nd place Red Sox (D'oh!) so much.
At 8:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you back... I have a link to you from my page on LiveJournal.
A word to the wise... just be careful about what you say about your employer, especially now that you've named them. People have gotten fired when human resources finds them griping in such a public form (and don't think they don't look!).
At 10:12 AM,
The Hey said…
Thanx for the tip. I withdrew the name of the not so innocent from the post.
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