What The Hey.....

A shameless attempt to jump on the Blog bandwagon.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Notes for the week......

Just some things rumbling through my head.......

  • 2 of my former employers are in the news this week. Brooks pharmacy is getting bought out by Rite Aid, a company that was almost totally out of business 5 years ago. In the announcement there was no word if the corporate office would stay in Rhode Island., which is not a good sign. I really hope that the people I worked with there that are still there are not caught blindsided and out of work. Alot of the people that work there have been there for 10-20 years from the Douglas Drug days. Also, Sumner Redstone, who owns Showcase Cinemas way before he owned Paramount, basically told Tom Cruise to take a hike. While I am not going to defend the actions of Xenu's mightiest warrior, Redstone has some big stones to call out someone for their behavior. He is a mean, nasty old fart that has done some really despicable things before he even owned Viacom.

  • The Red Sox have been pissing me after getting swept by the Yankees, but Theo's comments crying povety and having "limited resources" really got me going. This is a team that makes money hand over fist with $100 tickets, huge ad revenue and merchandise. The A's and Tigers are most likely gonna make the playoffs with half the payroll. I understand that the Yankees makes and spends even more than the Sox, but it's not like they are sweating to get butts in the seats at Fenway.


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