What The Hey.....

A shameless attempt to jump on the Blog bandwagon.

Monday, June 14, 2004

If it sucks it must be Monday.

Today really sucked. Everyone in my department called out sick today.


My department is small, so it wasn't like this massive sick out, but basically I ended up as the only person the man the phones the entire day. What really sucked was the fact that Monday is usually our busiest day because the products we support tend to break or get fouled up on the weekend.

Granted I cannot complain because I have had called out "sick" several times, but it was just a horrible coincidence that everyone decided to do it at the same time.

Still, I guess if I wanted to be positive about it, I can say time did fly by and the day ended mercifully rather quickly. But I'm totally wiped and I broke a promise to myself to go to the gym tonight. I'll go tomorrow.

No, really...I will. ;-)


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