What The Hey.....

A shameless attempt to jump on the Blog bandwagon.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Win Some, Lose Some......I guess

In the aftermath of The Sox's World Championship, it was almost easy to forget we had the duty to choose out next president. But we did, and in droves. And W. won, pretty much fair and square.

Which really does amaze me. After everything he has done, all the lives he has taken for the wrong reasons, more people still wanted him than Kerry.

I thought sure that Kerry would win given Michael Moore's film, the $2 a gallon gasoline, the over 1000 dead in Iraq, etc. But I guess the fact is that while W. is far from perfect, Kerry didn't show enough of his true self or have a film stand on anything for most people to trust him. With W., flaws and all, people knew what to except of him.

Of course, scaring people didn't hurt either.


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