What The Hey.....

A shameless attempt to jump on the Blog bandwagon.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Happy 4th, Crappy 6th

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend. I had a pretty good one with the family. I truly treasure my weekends with the family these days.

Saturday as it was a beautiful day I took the little one to the beach on the Cape for several hours and then to Waterfire. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but she was still wide awake and in good spirits.

Sunday all of us went to a friend's housewarming party and sat and relaxed on another bright, albeit hotter, day. I really like our friend's new house and it's location and I'm really happy for them.

Afterward we went home and went to one of our neighbor's house for a "Block Party" with all the neighbors on our street and watched the local fireworks from our front yard.

The only disappointing thing was that I didn't get to cook on my really cool new gas grill on a nice sunny day, although I got to cook between rainstorms on Monday. I was actually glad the weather was lousy as I needed a relaxing sit around the house day, although we all did go out for a couple of hours to see Spiderman 2.

Today I go back to The Gulag and was given a project to do. I figured that this assignment would be a nice change of pace from the daily drag I endure here.

Wrong. Thank you for playing. The “assignment” makes my normal duties pleasant and fun in comparison. If I had to do this all the time I would simply quit and live with the consequences.

To tell you the truth I really hate to keep on whining about The Gulag in this forum. I know some of you are probably sick of it already, but I feel that posting them here is more therapeutic than bringing my frustrations home. So I rather post a rant or whine where it can be ignored rather than bring them home and frustrate everyone else.

So if you see a Gulag post, just ignore it if you want. My family and my psyche thank you.


  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Bismo said…

    Post away, Dave, your rants aren't self-indulgent and as you say, you need the outlet!


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